STEP 1: Watch this short video so you know what to expect on our call. 

Step 2: Watch these Success Stories 

Dieu let go of her victim mentality and opens new doors...

Dieu let go of her victim mentality to live a life of abundance with a love mindset, shifting to appreciating everything and attracting amazing people and opportunities into her life. 

Dieu's confidence has flourished and is finally experiencing peace of mind and freedom from her trauma.

Ariel overcomes family grief and depression....

Ariel was experiencing high levels of anxiety, worry and stress, constantly worried about the future as a single mum.  But it was the loss of her grandma that made Ariel draw the line and seek help. 

During our sessions we worked together to process Ariel's grief of losing the one woman who was a constant in her life by allowing the sadness to flow through meditation and connecting with her grandma through daily voice journaling techniques. 

Louisa discovers the higher power of connection...

Louisa came to me grieving the loss of her mother and experiencing guilt of not having a better relationship with her when she was alive. 

Together we were able to establish love and connection with her passed mother's energy and opened the pathway to forgiveness on both sides.

Susan heals from pregnancy & miscarriage and gains clarity around financial decisions...

Susan was facing some tough decisions financially whilst also trying to overcome 3 miscarrages while pregnant for the 4th time. 

Together we were able to form a bond with her newest pregnancy, develop a self-care routine and help Susan's pregnancy come to full term, giving birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl. 

During this process we were also able to give space to Susan's financial decisions which has flowed through to a $1M profit decision!

Vivienne breaks free from overwhelm, stopping distractions and gaining focus and motivation again.

Vivienne was operating from a space of overwhelm and stress in her business, experiencing imposter syndrome in her professional space and unsure why she was lacking the motivation to push forward.

Vivienne discovered she had everything she needed right within her own power, she learnt to be confident and bring her knowledge to the table.  Her identity shifted from not feeling knowledgeable enough to I am enough, I am love, I am a gift to the world.

Adileen finds clarity in career, health and love through a clarity session with Christy, finding fulfilment again. 

Adileen was constantly fighting a state of burnout, feeling depleted and her health & energy suffered as a result.  She knew she wasn't on the right path but couldn't find her way out. 

Together we helped Adileen prioritise her self-care, self love and learned to ground her being. Her energy shifted from a place of lack to a place of abundance and love. The more she gave to herself the more self-confidence she gained to know the direction she wanted to take.

Kelly learns to embrace mum mode and breaks down barriers ...

Kelly a busy mum to 3 little ones was feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Kelly experienced the loss of identity that comes from shifting as a fiercely independent woman to an overwhelmed mother, still pushing the belief that she had to do everything on her own. 

Kelly has now broken down her barriers, shedding that layer of skin she didn't realise was there to begin with. Opening her mind and tuning into the Universe and trusting her own intuition. Kelly's family is in harmony and she is busy manifesting the life she wants.

Moi learned how to trust those around her ....

Moi came to me with a distinct lack of trust in people because of past trauma, this held Moi back from so many opportunities and stunted her ability to grow personally and professionally. 

Now Moi's self-confidence is thriving, unlocking the ability to trust those around her and open herself up to relationships that were previously impossible. Moi has now married the love of her life and has a beautiful baby boy. Moi has successfully learnt how to set healthy boundaries with the people around her and prioritises self love and self care.

Katie unlocked the power of time constraints...

Katie was constantly stressed about time and missing out on being present in the moment, she consistently faced burnout and feeling the pressure of perfection

Now, Katie has released herself from the limitations of time, embraced life with her imperfections and freed herself from her limiting beliefs. Her clarity and ability to experience joy once again has been unlocked.

Step 3: Complete Your Questionnaire

To help us to understand how we can best serve you, we have a quick questionnaire for you to complete. 
Please note, not completing this questionnaire may result in your call time being cancelled or rescheduled.